Thursday, April 14, 2011


OK, so I started a blog to chronicle my journey as I leave my corporate America job and look for 'something different'.  I'm not a touchy-feely person by nature, but I thought a blog would be therapeutic and keep me honest into not wasting any of the time I'm planning to take off.  I now have 2 weeks left of employment and I still haven't done my resume!!  I promised myself I would at least do a draft so that I didn't forget anything when I did ultimately look for something new.  Maybe writing it here will motivate me. 

I am a planner by nature and I told myself to stop thinking about what is next and instead have fun.  So I have been actively trying NOT to think about the next career move since I have nay-say'd alternative careers all my life.  So I'm determined to not do that again.  wish me luck...

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