Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library @ Simi Valley, CA

Went to this museum today.  I have no doubt mid week is the time to go.  My mother-in-law and I spent about 3 hours and still only read a third of what is there.  It is an impressive library, likely the largest one.  However, it is a bit too much of a love fest for Reagan in my mind.  I don't mean to offend those who loved him but he wasn't a saint.  And, while again, I didn't see and read every exhibit, I did not notice any Jane Wyman (first wife) or Bedtime for Bonzo (monkey movie) references.  I guess Nancy had that edited out...

It is worth a visit if you are local or if you are a devotee.

Monday, February 27, 2012

First Draft!

I actually finished my first draft of my book on Valentines Day, but forgot to post.  Went off to Mammoth for a long Ski weekend and now am about to pick up the draft and begin editing.  My goal is to turn over my edited first draft to a friend by end of March.

Madeo @ Beverly Blvd in LA

Went for dinner here last night, sorry no pics.  This is my third time and the place never disappoints, although on the pricey side.  I had a great Carpaccio and Linguine Al Pesto which was awesome, as was the dessert, which I believe was named Neapolitan.  It was baked puffed pastry with pastry cream, delicious.  My husband had Ravioli Branzino which was fantastic.  Mother in Law had Swordfish which looked good but big. 

All in all, I'll go back when I save up again.