Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gordon Ramsey @ The London in West Hollywood, CA

I went here for dinner last night with some foodie friends.  Wow, what a disappointment, and an expensive one.

I had the 5 course meal, friends all had the 3 course meal with wine pairing.
  • My starter, Artichoke with Burrata cheese, was good, but then it went downhill.  
  • The Lobster Risotto was under cooked and served in a glass.  There was one large piece of lobster and no way to cut it inside the glass to eat it.  
  • The Pork Belly and Striped Bass was just OK.  The Bass was over cooked and the Pork Belly was the only redeeming thing on the plate, but I've had better cooked Pork Belly.  
  • The cheese plate had ONE cheese, which I thought was odd.  
  • And the dessert was called Peanut Chocolate, but all I could taste was bananas and really no salty taste of peanut.  

My wine was good, but I didn't do the wine pairing as my friends did and they regretted their decision.

One of my friends had the Chateaubriand which was very undercooked.

The place was nice and we had a good table, but the price tag was about $300 per couple.

All in all, an expensive lesson.  I'll never go back.

Artichoke with Burrata Cheese

Lobster Risotto

Striped Bass with Pork Belly underneath

Pathetic Cheese plate

Peanut Chocolate dessert

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