Sunday, September 11, 2011

Madeo's @ Beverly Blvd in Los Angeles, CA

Went here Friday night for my birthday.  This is the place my husband & I went years ago and loved, yet we couldn't remember the name of it.  So for years we were searching for this place and finally re-stumbled onto it.

It was good.  Our table wasn't in best place, but still OK.  Bottle of wine was very tasty.  We saw some Paparazzi so this must be a 'star' hangout although I didn't see anyone.  I had Carpaccio which was excellent and a Seafood Risotto, also great.  Desserts weren't great which was disappointing.

All in all, I'll go back but it is a drive for us.

Seafood Risotto -- I have to remember to photo BEFORE eating!

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