Sunday, January 22, 2012

Writing -- first time novelist!

I realized when I just posted the latest new place I've been to, that I haven't posted much lately.  My posting has fallen off a cliff since October. 

Well, maybe that's because, my posting has been replaced by writing.  I took a writing course at LMU and developed a few ideas for books.  After passing around two ideas to a few friends, I committed to one.  My current goal is to complete the first draft of my book by mid February.  I'm at 43,000 words or 165 pages right now and have a daily goal of 3,500 words per day.  It is harder and easier than I thought it would be.  Some days are tough, but most I'm able to whip through scenes.  No clue what the finished result will be.  I think I am naive about how long it will take to edit a 300+ page story!

Will keep you posted on my progress.

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