Sunday, June 19, 2011

Naked Cycling..... Awesome!!! & Hopworks

So I did read about this when I got to Portland.  There is a bicycling festival going on and it includes a naked cycling event.  However, I didn't mention it to my husband who has joined me for the weekend.  So when we were out & about at Hopworks (great place) and Roadside Attraction (another great place), he heard about the naked event that was to happen shortly around where we were.

So we went to Burnside Brewing Co on 7th & Burnside and waited (great place).  Someone from Portland had arranged an "offensive T-shirt party" and so many truly offensive shirts were there -- I like Black People; Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you;  or a favorite:, Show me where on this doll to touch you.  Either way, the bar was in a mood and then the bikers came.  Apparently, this is the 3rd annual event -- first 2,000 people, second 5,000, and this year???  maybe 5,000 again, although reports are 15,000!!  maybe not.  anyway, lots of naked people:  breasts and cold penises.  Interesting, to say the least.

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