Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wurstkuche, Olvera Street, & Angel City Brewing

Today, we had a packed day.  Went to Wurstkuche for sausages & Belgium beers.  It is near Union Station in Downtown LA (Alameda & Traction) and is a great casual place.  

After that, we finally went to Olvera Street after nearly 20 years in LA.  It is a pedestrian street next to the first church of LA and the plaza commemorating the founding of Los Angeles.  It is basically a street fair across the street from Union Station with various outdoor booths.  The Mexican Wrestling masks were quite the hit.  There was a Quinceanera at the church on the Plaza.   It looked like a wedding at first -- Humvee Limo, girls in 'bridesmaids' dresses, and then finally, the girl herself in a taffeta full purple & green dress.  Apparently, it is tradition in the Mexican culture to 'introduce' your daughter to womanhood with this event.  There are 15 couples as attendants, much like bridesmaids & groomsmen.  I've seen less hoopla for weddings.

Then we went to the Angel City Brewing room.  This used to be in Torrance somewhere, but moved a few months to just south of Union Station.  They took over some old warehouse and it is part art gallery / part beer hall.  It is quite cool.  There are many original pieces surrounding the room; as I have included in this post.

All in all, a great, yet tiring day.

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