Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Tree of Life, Movie. DO NOT GO

I haven't done any movie reviews yet and normally wouldn't but this one, I need to tell you to steer clear of.

The story 'line' is basically memories of a man (Sean Penn) thinking back on his childhood and his father (Brad Pitt).   I'm not sure what the director was going for but it has major religious overtones and actually depicts (or tries to) the beginning of life -- complete with apparent amoebas & dinosaurs; yes dinosaurs.  I should have trusted my instincts and walked out after 20 minutes but I committed to it and it got only a little better.  When I say don't go, don't think this movie will become one that is so bad, it is funny.  I speak the truth.  Don't think this is one of those car crash incidents where you feel you have to look, it is not.  It is just that bad. 

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